Monday, March 23, 2009

Introducing Zeak

Thanks to Trieste we adopted a new member of the family. His name is Zeak and he's a 6 year old Weimaranier. So far he's adjusting very well to our 'Mad' house. Emily and Jeff couldnt be more thrilled......I wasn't so excited when he decided to spray my scrapbook bag! Thats one thing in this house EVRYONE knows not to mess with, I told Jeff that must mean he loves me more, LOL!
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  1. Soooooo cool!!! I am so glad you saved him from going to the pound! He is a beautiful dog!!!!!

  2. Very Cute Shirt... I am so happy that he is doing well.. Oh my Gosh He went for your scrapbook bag. What a big no no. LOL Thank you for taking care of him and welcoming him to your family...
    Give him a hug for me.


  3. Thank you Julie for sharing him with our family--- We are really blessed to have him!

